Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Day 2: Abbie Matthews

Last night we added to the blog as a group but I thought I would add a few personal thoughts about the day.
For me, the 2 main focus areas yesterday was:
1. How some of the classes used technology within the classroom.
2. Discussions about some aspects of curriculum.

Give your readers an idea of the application range of ICT/digital devices in the learning spaces.

Jess (Acting AP-RE) and classroom teacher took us into some of the classrooms, focusing on the 1-1 computer program. The kids were very clear about the concept that they don't just 'use computers' but that it was a notebook program to be used for learning. This was very clear with the classes. The students were all on task and it was evident that they knew the school expectations. The home page was set up to allow for easy access to all of the necessary applications etc needed.
The learning spaces were very adaptable where the students chose where they wanted to sit and this changes throughout the day. The working spaces were on different levels, in different formations. Obviously the teacher will guide students by asking the question: is this best for your learning?
Using the SIR acronym: Is it Safe? Is it Inspiring? Is it Respectful? which was used throughout the lesson. There were lots of different applications/programs and website used throughout the rooms (see group blog) depending upon the lesson and purpose.

While the host school might not use the term Professional Learning Community, can you describe how they are using PLC principles?

In the afternoon, we were part of the Curriculum Team Meeting. This runs similar to our PLC meetings but the group is made up of teachers across the grades. They followed their set agenda which was based around upcoming moderation between a cluster group of schools. It was great to have an open discussion where they discussed their process and asked us about how we moderate within schools etc. Other topics which came up include their homework policy, how they moderate reading and the evaluating  the new report process. The recent homework discussions that we have been having within our school has been very much an issue for St Rita's over the years.

I am looking forward to today where we are involved in a number of sessions with Anne (Principal) discussion a number of different programs/aspects of the school.


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