Friday, 13 June 2014

Lauren Doherty

Hi everyone, my name is Lauren Doherty. I am a Kindergarten Teacher at St Peter's Primary, Port Macquarie. I am in my third year of teaching and I am always looking for ways of developing my teaching practice and new ways of doing things. I am looking forward to this opportunity and hoping to gain insight into the following things:
- Collaboration: What does this look like in other schools and how do Teachers work together to achieve the best outcomes for their students? How do Teachers support each other/ share responsibility of all students?
- ICT: How is this integrated into the classroom?
- Personalised Learning: How is learning personalised to meet the needs of each student?
- PLC's: how are the principles of a PLC evident within the school?
- Assessments: How are these used to inform learning and any new ideas for assessing students, particularly in the Kindergarten classroom
- Classroom set up: We are currently in the process of a rebuild at St Peters and looking at how we are going to set up our rooms to create a flexible learning space
- Literacy and Numeracy: How are Literacy and Numeracy blocks structured?

I am really looking forward to this opportunity and sharing my learnings, particularly with the staff of St Peter's.


  1. Hi Lauren, take as much in as you can with the essential questions you are considering. Please have a look at and photograph anything of interest about the staffroom and teacher workspaces to inform our own developments at St Peters.

  2. Hi Lauren
    I'm enjoying your photos and feedback. looking forward to a good chat with you about your findings. Enjoy.
