Monday, 16 June 2014

Reflections from Day 1 : Vanessa

Our day started beautifully thanks to Shane Thompson (Assistant Principal Admin). He gave a us a brief tour and introduction to the school. We then attended the Monday assembly. I loved how the students were the student lead the assembly, including a procession of symbols which represent the school mission/vision Know more, Do more, Be more. 

I've decided to frame my posts around the essential questions presented by Paul. For me the best way of thinking about my time here at St Rita's and to clearly articulate the goals of this program.  The notes and thoughts below are based on what I've seen today. These ideas will no doubt grow as the week progresses. 

How do you see the school’s educational and faith vision and mission informing and shaping daily practice?

The school vision and mission is simple - Know more, Do more, Be more
  • All practices revolve around this simple statement and vision.
  • The teachers are part of committees/teams to inform their understanding of curriculum and pedagogy and to have shared leadership in building and owning this mission. 
  • Information shared by Anne and the Leadership Team gave us a background into the construction of the vision and the change in culture to ensure that all actions are focused on this simple but meaningful mission.
Can you see elements of our own Contemporary Learning Framework at play in this school’s practice?
  • Culture of Learning - evident in both Music and Japanese class. Particularly in the learning intentions and the success criteria. 
  • Learning Community built on strong partnerships - very evident on the learning teams.
While the host school might not use the term Professional Learning Community, can you describe how they are using PLC principles?
  • Once a term planning with grade groups.
  • There seems to be a whole school approach with the teams responsible for different areas of school life. 
  • Whole school approach to the implementation of Hattie's Visible Learning practices.
How are they using data to inform decision making?
  • Japanese class visible learning goals for students.
  • Learning intentions and success criteria clear

Japanese classroom - Learning Goals listed and students placed on the continuum. Reassessed once a term and then moved.

Once students have determined their progress on the learning continuum their achievement is celebrated and displayed.
Give your readers an idea of the application range of ICT/digital devices in the learning spaces?
What approaches are they taking to cater for the diverse range of student learning needs?
  • Visible learning practices - students clear about their learning goals and expectations. 
When considering your own class teaching/organisation what might be three approaches you have observed that could be adopted?
  • Better whole class display for learning goals.
When considering your home school what might be three approaches/systems/practices that could be put to your staff for consideration?

  • I'll think more about this
Why are the learning environments engaging? What is going on to ensure each student progresses?
  • The music classroom was using a lot of activities that required movement and their student engagement and the need for students to be listening to instructions. 
  • The Japanese class required student to focus, listen and understand instructions. 

Other ideas
  • Giving teachers capacity to make change everyone is a leader.
  • Change needs to be driven by teachers
  • Reading 2 learn - starts with an aspirational text, then follow specific process.
  • School wide pedagogy set of questions from student perspective to put more meaning to vision teacher developed sense of ownership
  • Inspired personal pedagogy teacher directed development based on AITSL
  • Windows cloudbased wificonnection to digi tv
  • Teachers are encouraged to align their beliefs and practices within school vision through personal pedagogy focus
  • Learning bytes Religious Education weebly


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