When considering your own class teaching/organisation, what might be three approaches you have observed that could be adopted?
Flexible Learning Spaces:
From observing a variety of classrooms at St Rita's, it is obvious to see that flexible learning spaces are important components of their teaching and learning. Students in Years 4 and 7 have non-assigned seating and can choose from a variety of seating options (including bar stools and bench space). Teachers encourage students to choose a variety of learning partners and groups in each learning session to ensure that they are working with different people.
This is something I am looking at bringing back to my classroom as I can see great benefit in this learning style for both teacher and students.
During the staff meeting on Wednesday afternoon, there was discussion on Peer observations completed by teaching partners in classrooms. From this discussion it became evident that Teachers in the school were following the Visible Learning style in their classrooms. Each teacher discussed how they had identified in classrooms teachers talking about 'Learning Intentions' and 'Success Criteria'.
Visible Learning in Year 7
When visiting classrooms all students knew what was expected of them, they had a clear idea of what the intentions were and could clearly articulate what they needed to do in order to be successful in their learning.
This is something I am interested in focussing on in my classroom, to ensure students are on the same page as teachers in their learning.
Device Expectations/Policy
St Rita's is a school that uses Technology well and intensively in their teaching and learning. From Year 4, students have a 1:1 computer program in which students use classrooms in the classroom and then take their computers home to complete 'Study. Ladder' homework. Students are responsible to charge their computers nightly and bring them to school each day to complete their learning tasks.
Due to this 1:1 program an expectations policy was created to ensure students were using the computers to benefit their learning. The policy is called SIR it stands S = is it safe?, I = Is it Inspiring?, R = Is it Responsible?
Thanks for the posts everyone. All the best for your return to home schools. I look forward to debriefing with you soon and hope that you can implement the best of what you've seen to strengthen your practice. Thanks for engaging so well in TP.