Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Day 3- St Rita's Victoria Point - Joint Contribution

What approaches are taken to cater for the diverse range of student learning needs?

What is going on to ensure each student progresses?
How are they using data to inform decision making?

This morning we met with Sue McLean (Student Teacher Inclusive Educator) where she discussed a number of whole school processes which showed the link between behaviour and learning. This link is very intrinsic and it is very focussed on how the behaviour affects learning and how those behaviours can be modified to ensure that learning occurs.

SWPB: School Wide Positive Behaviour
The aim is to build a positive school wide approach which is a 3 tiered.
Tier 1: (approx. 80% of students respond to this tier)
The emphasis was on instructional explicit teaching of the expectations within the school. refer to matrix. ST RITA: displayed expectations for behaviour. (Strive To Respect everyone, Inspire learning, Take care of property environment, Act safe/be safe)
1 Tier 2 intervention: 4 week block ARK
·       ARK Process: Awesome Rita’s Kids: Check in – Check out
Step 1: Teacher fills in form for child in need: request for assistance, set very explicit goals.
Step 2: Student contract drawn up – agreed goals to work towards. check in- check out each day: meet with Kathy each morning to talk about goal and end of the day to reflect upon goal. Above 70% is an achieved goal.
Daily recording sheet: student goals 1-2, each interval (1hr: ideal or else after each break) – teacher gives a score and feedback to the student. At the end of each day total the score and give a total score.
Transition process at the end of 4 weeks: student and teacher involved in discussions of teacher monitoring within classroom by teacher and student.
Tier 3 Intervention: more complex issues/mental health etc:
functional behaviour/assessment etc
-         Observations in class targeting on single behaviours at a time to identify what is the trigger of the behaviour; What causes the student behaviour to then be able to determine course of action.
KTL: Knowledge, Truth Love: evidence of the whole philosophy of embedded within every aspect of their school including the naming of classes eg 4K, 4T, 4L.
It is a belief that this is a way of living within the school and a way of life.
School form: completed by teacher to record and communicate behaviours in class and on the playground. Known as a KTL. Leadership team then follow up on these behaviours. Refer back to matrix with expectations across all settings within the school.
 DROP IN ZONE: positive./voluntary experience. A space for students to bring a friend. Any child can go but need to be referred in an informal process ie: just to touch base with Sue. Within this space passive play activities available for students to be involved in.

Student Support: Teacher who have a concern about a learner.
Gifted and talented as well as with difficulties. Cath ed form: see attachment

BI Tool: (Business Intelligence): Data collection and reporting tool
BCE generated
Collection of data such as: NAPLAN, ACER, School reporting etc all in one place displaying about student/cohort results/data all in one place.
When a student transfers within the diocese, their data automatically rolls over to new school. This was a great data collection tool.

Can you see elements of our own Contemporary Learning Framework at play in this school’s practice?
·       A Learning Community: Shared leadership model not only within the leadership team but with all teachers. This is evident in the structure of the leadership space, learning teams, parental involvement in lunchtime activities ie: wool club etc.
The value of the teams is very evident as they release members of the team once a week for their meetings. All teachers are very motivated within these teams as they have nominated themselves according to their skills, interests etc.
½ day planning each term with their grade, working with APA on term plans/programs/assessment etc.

·       Engaging and adaptive environments: introduction of 1-1 laptop program in year 4 and 5 led to the development of SIR (Safe, Inspiring, Respectful) which is embedded within every classroom and referred to regularly.
Technology: wide variety of learning through technology within the school, depending upon grade level.
Clear adaptive/flexible learning environments within a classroom is within most classrooms. The children often are free to sit where they would like in a variety of different levels/structures etc (SIR) is also used to ensure acceptable behaviour so that this can take place.
Connected locally/globally: No server is used within the school. They use a cloud based storage system. All rooms have connected screens which are completely wireless. Rooms with student notebooks allow student computers to be wirelessly connected as well. Meeting rooms have digital TV set ups with Bluetooth connectivity.
Vegies in the garden
This afternoon we attended a Sustainability Team meeting. This team consisted of both teachers and school officers (teacher’s assistants). We were impressed by the amount of input and influence the school officers have in the teams. They are equal members in these teams. The meeting looked at the next steps in making sure the waste management system improves and keeps on track. The Brisbane Catholic Education Sustainability officer sets a goal each year. The school has a clear goal to reduce waste not just for the environment but also to save money for the school. In the last 12 months the school has reduced the waste costs by half. This year their new focus is to reduce energy costs by 10%. Then there was suggestion put forward by one of the school officers about change one dead garden areas to a sculpture area by creating sculptures using old plastic tops. They have Rita’s Rangers this is the environment group. They meet once a week (Yr 3-7), they look after the worm farm, compost, vegetable gardens and now have special hats to identify them in the playground.
The staff meeting they spoke about peer to peer observations and shared ideas about how their experiences in this process. It was very positive experience between those teachers that shared. They also discussed feedback from a Visible Learning meeting that Anne and Sue attended. Brisbane Catholic Education seems to be focusing on this in all school. They have issued a survey for students and staff that looked at the views about how learning intentions and success criteria are thought about in classrooms. The feedback showed that teachers feel like they are getting their ideas across but the data showed that the students still felt like they still didn’t have a strong grasp of the language and ideas. This then brought a conversation about understanding that there is still work to do in relation to student learning in the context of visible learning ideas.

We all feel that we are seeing very similar things in our schools and that we are on a similar track for classroom work and activities. Where we see the difference is the way that the shared leadership vision of the school makes the feel of the school slightly different. The teachers, school officers and groundsmen have a shared vision and understanding of the school learning goals. This shows the school has a very clear and evident school community.


  1. Thank you Northern Team. A full post with plenty to think about here. I hope you can share this knowledge effectively back at school. You are in the middle of a wonderful professional experience. I'm interested in the educational conversations you are having after the school day finishes. What type of innovations and extensions to your current practice do you think are worthwhile taking back to your home school?

    Enjoy tomorrow.
