Day 3 – St Aloysius Cronulla – David & Lauren.1
Essential Question:
The application range of ICT/digital devices in the learning spaces.
When we first entered St Aloysius and went to the staffroom
you get the feeling there isn’t a big emphasis on technology. As the staffroom
had no interactive board, no TV or large monitor and only has two computers.
However the application of technology in the classroom is a
very different story. With each class having access to at least three different
types of technological devices, and some with four. With the common desktop
computer being the oldest type and by the feel of it will soon become obsolete.
With laptops being close behind them. Each class has at least 7 iPads and 7
Chrome books. With their learning hub also having a supply of iPads and a
variety of laptop computers from netbooks to older style MacBook’s.
However the most important aspect of this technology is
their application and use with the school. Not only in classroom activities but
in extension and support programs.
A good example is their system to record evidence of
collaborative work between students. Children take time towards the end of the
lesson to take photos and journal about their work. Some classes are directed
with set questions to answer and they then support this with photographic
evidence. For example a Year 2 maths groups had students working collaboratively
to construct 3D shapes. At the end of the lesson they had to take images of
their constructions and email it to the teacher so they could be printed and
then glued into their journals in which they were to write about the lesson and
their findings.
The Chrome books are a new acquisition for the school and
the staff and students are loving the avenues for collaborative learning they
bring to the school. With the devices being portals to the variety of Google
applications a Google user has access to. They don’t have the possibility for
any storage so all rely on a wireless connection and accessing the different
applications in ones Google account.
A Google application that the staff has access to in
addition to their normal Google accounts is Teacher Dashboard. This is a great
application that schools in our Diocese should look at or the CSO look into for
our schools to access. In a nut shell it enables teachers to create easy to
access folders for each subject area and with in these folders a file for every
student. In which the teacher and students can share Google documents. You
might say just make folders in your own Google Drive, however this application
does away with the double handling and moving of files and creates a great way
to manage students, have their work on hand at a few clicks. With written work
diminishing in the contemporary classroom this way of sharing work through the
digital form is a very forward way of thinking and an excellent practise that
we should look into.
The use of technology during explicit teaching times is
strong, and is carried out extremely well. This happens through two main
aspects, the collaboration between the staff members in a particular subject as
they come together as a stage core group. And through the use of technology and
the interactive board. One program that a lot of schools in the area use is
SMART Notebooks which is a more user friendly program than any interactive whiteboard
software I have ever seen. So with a prepared lesson in a SMART Notebook the
explicit teaching time in a lesson is quick direct and effective.
However the thing that has been most impressive is the ease
in which the children use technology in a variety of ways to enhance their
learning, through inquiry activities to consolidation of learning to recording
and sharing their learning with each other and their respective teachers. How
confidently and efficiently they use Google applications to store and share
their work.
The use of apps to consolidate work and share collaboratively is very evident |
Recording evidence of hands on maths work using book creator |
Students proudly share with teachers |
Technology and flexible learning spaces working together. |
Great photos that tell the reader lots about what's happening. I was interested in the number and range of devices in the school. You need to talk to Andrew Burgess about the Teacher Dashboard concept you write about in this blog. All the best as the week concludes. Great work, thanks.